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Getting Back to Basics

We recently presented at an IFA fraud workshop that touched on some of the biggest issues facing the industry (replay here). 

From a fraud perspective, factors are getting attacked from all angles. Today's criminals are taking age-old fraud practices and kicking them up a notch, thanks to AI. 

Stolen voices, deepfaked videos of CEOs, and some next-level hacking schemes make it harder and harder to spot their tricks. Tens of millions of dollars are being swindled right out from under unsuspecting victims. 

People hardly ever make important decisions when they have the time. The biggest decisions are made on the fly, especially when it comes to putting out fires. 

Other products on the market require you to pull reports to get the data you need to make those critical fraud-preventing decisions. But by the time you do, it's often too late. 

This kind of time-sucking process might be what you're used to. Up until now, we really didn't have any other options. 

But if you really want to get in front of fraud, you need to see what's happening in real time. You need to take a proactive approach. 

At NN6, we believe that the best way to prevent fraud is to get back to the basics. We also know executing on fundamentals is tough without access to real-time data. 

Stopping purchases before money goes out the door might seem like a daunting task, but when you have everything right in front of you, it's a different ballgame. 

Through the NN6 platform, we tell you exactly where the problem is so you don't have to fish for it. You get the critical information you need, when you need it, and not a moment after.

Here are few items NN6 offers out of the box:​

  • Information where you need it, upfront and before you pull the trigger​

  • Quicker Trend Analysis for Clients and Debtors​

  • Detect abnormalities with a click of a mouse​

  • Fraud detection before you call​

  • Create your own reports with data you want

Criminals might have stepped up their game, but the type of fraud we encounter today isn't any different than it was ten years ago. It's just more abundant.

NN6 was created by factoring industry experts who have been in the trenches, just like you. We have extensive experience dealing with fraud, which includes having made some of the same mistakes you've probably made. 

We've sat on those same uncomfortable phone calls. We know what it feels like to fail. 

When you're unaware of risks, ​your clients remain in the dark. We make key data around potential risks readily available ​and provide the tools you need to keep your clients informed.

If the information is there, why wait to get access to it? After all, if you knew better, you'd make better choices and get better outcomes. 

Want to head into the new year properly armed to fight fraud before it fights you? 

Get a demo scheduled with us today and we'll show you the way.


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